All new residents with out-of-state non-commercial driver's licenses must obtain a PA Driver’s License within 60 days of establishing Pennsylvania residency. To apply, you must appear in person at Barbara McMullen's Auto Tags in King of Prussia, PA, where Barbara would be happy to assist you in obtained your new Pennsylvania Driver's License.
You will be required to surrender your out-of-state driver’s license (valid or expired six months or less) before Barbara can issue you a PA Driver's License. You will need to take a vision-screening test and complete the necessary forms, which are available at the office in King of Prussia, PA. In addition, you will need to show proof of identification and residency and your social security card.
Although a knowledge test is not required for new residents with out-of-state driver's licenses which are valid or expired six months or less, The Pennsylvania Driver's Manual is designed to help you become a safe driver and enjoy your driving privilege in the beautiful state of Pennsylvania.
A previous resident returning to Pennsylvania must meet all the same identification and residency requirements as a customer who has never been a PA resident.
All documents must show the same name and date of birth, or an association between the information on the documents. Additional documentation may be required of a connection between documents cannot be established (e.g. Marriage Certificate, Court Order of name change, Divorce Decree, etc.)